Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Someone on an LAJC mailing list last week asked what a particularly eccentric attorney in the Richmond office meant by the term 'handegg.' We wanted to clarify by sharing this delightful image we found through Google. The eccentric attorney in question had a much more...colorful? explanation for us yesterday at lunch. Apparently in 'Handegg', one man bends over in front of another, and the first man goes into labor and delivers an egg to the other, who hurtles it down the field. Only one player can actually run, and everyone else sort of falls into each other. And of course, the teams must take lots and lots of breaks, both on and off the field.

The Wall Street Journal had this helpful graphic to show the breakdown of an average Handegg game as broadcast on television.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Fresh-baked-this-morning Chocolate Chip Cookies have arrived in the Burg break room. We would share with OFL, but I don't think he's going to come to the Burg today. Too bad, they're yummy!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Two of the Real Lawyers were off in Cville today (we hope the Bunker and Boiler dwellers got a chance to meet them), and we missed them terribly (possibly an exaggeration, we may have only missed them moderately seeing as they'll be back tomorrow).
As for here in The Burg, well, it's a good thing SpecialK found her trusty tipover-proof coffee mug from The Paradox this morning because caffeine was definitely useful today. The phone was ringing practically nonstop and our local Housing Goddess was progressively less excited to see us as the day wore on. We may have to make her some cookies or banana bread this evening to show our appreciation for her patience in the face of our seemingly continuous string of questions and cases for her.
GIJane found some great new leads today for our outreach project to the Spanish speaking community around The Burg, and we are all set up to meet with a community volunteer on Friday to discuss next steps and go visit some other possible sources. We're optimistic that we can actually start getting flyers and cards together this week!
On a more somber note, one of our Real Lawyers (who shares SpecialK's aversion to freezing office spaces) will be disappointed to learn that our trusty benches have been moved from the curb in front of our office for the rest of the week.

Edit: We were misinformed, and we won't be reunited as one big happy Burg family until Friday. Alas, alack! Be nice to our people while you have them, Cville.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our day in the Burg was just given a boost as OFL (Our Fearless Leader) gave us a shoutout in an all-staff e-mail. Thanks for the recognition, and go Team Burg!

Welcome to the BurgBlog

In order to appease Our Fearless Leader and his snarky e-mail directives, the 'Burg Interns have started our own blog. According to Google, we're 1hr44min by car, 9hr32min by bike or about 33hrs on foot from Cville, but thanks to the internet our compatriots in the Bunker Room and the Boiler Room (as well as the Real Lawyers they work with) can now keep up with some of our doings directly!

More to follow, but for now welcome to our corner of the interwebs.